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  • 全球杰出青年科学家大会报告 Global Conference of Outstanding Young Scientists Report
  • 开幕式/大会报告 The Opening Ceremony/ Plenary Lecture
  • 论坛一:锂离子电池电解质及隔膜材料 Forum 1:Electrolyte and Separator Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • 论坛二:锂离子电池电极材料 Forum 2:Lithium-ion Battery Electrode Materials
  • 论坛三:钠/钾离子电池论坛 Forum 3:Sodium/Potassium Ion Battery
  • 论坛四:新体系电池论坛 Forum 4:New Generation Batteries
  • 论坛五:燃料电池论坛 Forum 5:Fuel cell
  • 论坛六:热电材料论坛 Forum 6:Thermoelectric Materials
  • 论坛七:钙钛矿太阳能电池论坛 Forum 7:Perovskite Solar Cell
  • 论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells
  • 论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials
  • 论坛十:超薄二维能源材料论坛 Forum 10:Ultra-Thin Two-Dimensional Energy Materials
  • 论坛十一:电催化能源材料论坛 Forum 11:Electrocatalytic Energy Materials
  • 论坛十二:能源光催化材料论坛 Forum 12:Photocatalytic Materials for Energy
  • 论坛十三:碳基能源材料论坛 Forum 13:Carbon-based Energy Materials
  • 论坛十四:储氢材料论坛 Forum 14:Hydrogen Storage Materials
  • 论坛十五:弱能收集转化纳米能源论坛 Forum 15:Nanoenergy Energy Collection and Conversion
  • 论坛十六:新型相变储能材料 Forum 16:New Phase Change Energy Storage Materials
  • 论坛十七:水系电池论坛 Forum 17:Aqueous Batteries
  • 论坛十八:能源纳米材料论坛 Forum 18:Energy Nanomaterials
  • 论坛十九:汽车轻量化材料 Forum 19:Lightweight Material in Automobile
  • 论坛二十:含能材料能量存储与转化应用 Forum 20:Energy Storage and Conversion Applications for Energetic Materials
  • 论坛二十一:电池产业链资源高效循环利用论坛 Forum 21:Efficient Recycling of Resources in the Battery Industry
  • 论坛二十二:废弃物处理与能源资源利用论坛 Forum 22:Waste Treatment and Efficient Utilization of Energy Resources
  • 论坛二十三:青托学术论坛 Forum 23:Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Academic
  • 论坛二十四:材料交叉前沿论坛 Forum 24:Frontiers of Interdisciplinary Materials
  • 不限
  • 2023-11-26 [星期日]
  • 2023-11-27 [星期一]
  • 不限
  • 簕杜鹃厅 Le Azalea Hall
  • 茉莉厅 Jasmine Hall
  • 玫瑰厅-1 Rose 1 Hall
  • 玫瑰厅-3 Rose 3 Hall
  • 梅花厅-1 Plum blossom 1 Hall
  • 梅花厅-2 Plum blossom 2 Hall
  • 菊花厅 Chrysanthemum Hall
  • 牡丹厅 Peony Hall
  • 梅花厅-3 Plum blossom 3 Hall
  • 梅花厅-4 Plum blossom 4 Hall
  • 茶花厅-1 Camellia 1 Hall
  • 茶花厅-2 Camellia 2 Hall
  • 茶花厅-3 Camellia 3 Hall
  • 兰花厅-1 Orchid 1 Hall
  • 兰花厅-2 Orchid 2 Hall
  • 郁金香厅 Tulip Hall
  • 兰花厅-3 Orchid 3 Hall
  • 桂花厅 Osmanthus Hall
  • 606VIP 606VIP
  • 玫瑰厅-2
  • 609VIP 609VIP
  • 608VIP 608VIP
  • 水仙厅 Asphodel Hall

2023-11-27 星期一

梅花厅-3 Plum blossom 3 Hall

08:30-10:10 | 合金设计与服役评价 High Entropy Alloys and Design & Prediction 【论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
08:30-08:50 邀请报告

Comprehensive Analysis of the Nanostructure of Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Steels

Sergey Rogozhkin NRC Kurchatov institute

Sergey Rogozhkin
08:50-09:10 邀请报告

Optimization Design and Radiation Resistant Performance Prediction of Advanced Nuclear Energy Materials

郑明杰 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院

Mingjie Zheng
09:10-09:25 口头报告

Effects of local chemical ordering on defect evolution in NiFe multiprincipal elemental alloys

黄莎莎 香港城市大学

Shasha Huang
09:25-09:40 口头报告

Interactions between irradiation-induced defects and dislocations in concentrated solid solution alloys

熊耀旭 香港城市大学

Yaoxu Xiong
09:40-09:55 口头报告

Accelerated design of low-activation high entropy alloys with desired phase and property by machine learning

李孝晨 中科院合肥物质科学研究院

Xiaochen Li
09:55-10:10 口头报告

Microstructure and Corrosion behavior of AlCrFeNiMn and AlCoCrFeNi2.1 high entropy alloy in high-temperature supercritical CO2 environment

杨万欢 中国原子能科学研究院

Wanhuan Yang
10:10-10:25 | 茶歇 Tea break 【论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials】
10:25-12:10 | 钨材料与计算模拟 Tungsten and Computation 【论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
10:25-10:45 邀请报告


吴玉程 合肥工业大学

yucheng wu
10:45-11:05 邀请报告


吴学邦 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院

Xuebang Wu
11:05-11:25 邀请报告

Formation mechanism of radiation-induced rhenium precipitation in tungsten and its influence on mechanical properties

周洪波 北京航空航天大学

Hong-Bo Zhou
11:25-11:40 口头报告

Multiscale Dynamic Modeling of Neutron Irradiation Damage and Hydrogen Retention/Desorption in Fusion Reactor Tungsten-based Materials

郑淇蓉 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院固体物理研究所

Qirong Zheng
11:40-11:55 口头报告

Influence analysis of alloy elements on radiation swelling of austenitic stainless steel based on machine learning

白冰 中国原子能科学研究院

Bing Bai
11:55-12:10 口头报告

Assessment and correction of the electronic energy loss in the modeling of primary radiation damage

程凡 中国科学院固体物理研究所

Fan Cheng
13:30-15:10 | 腐蚀与开裂 Corrosion and Cracking 【论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
13:30-13:50 邀请报告

Experimental Determination and Analyses of Multiple factors for Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steels in High Temperature Water

吕战鹏 上海大学

Zhanpeng Lv
13:50-14:10 邀请报告

Recent Progress on Hydrogen-Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking at High Temperature: An In-situ Study

Zihao Wang University of Oxford

Zihao Wang
14:10-14:25 口头报告


周志昆 华中科技大学

Zhikun Zhou
14:25-14:40 口头报告

The corrosion behavior of Al2O3 in liquid LiPb

丁文艺 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院核能安全技术研究所

Wenyi Ding
14:40-14:55 口头报告

Effect of different slow strain rates on cracking behavior of 321SS in PWR primary environments

曹晗 中国原子能科学研究院

Han Cao
14:55-15:10 口头报告

Investigation of Hydride Orientation in the Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe Series Alloy and Assessment of Short-term Corrosion Resistance

魏雅璇 清华大学

Yaxuan Wei
15:10-15:25 | 茶歇 Tea break 【论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials】
15:25-17:20 | 核燃料与包壳 Nuclear Fuel and Cladding 【论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
15:25-15:45 邀请报告

Investigation of corrosion mechanisms of Zircaloy with microstructural characterizations and synchrotron XRD

恽迪 西安交通大学

Di Yun
15:45-16:05 邀请报告

Effect of heat treatments on radiation damage of additively manufactured 316L stainless steels

宋淼 上海交通大学

Miao Song
16:05-16:20 口头报告


杨会龙 上海交通大学

Huilong Yang
16:20-16:35 口头报告

He/dpa比例对Fe9Cr1.5W0.4Si F/M钢辐照和退火过程中气泡特性的影响

崔德旺 厦门大学

Dewang Cui
16:35-16:50 口头报告

Surface modification of ET-10 graphite by preoxidation and irradiation

高杰 清华大学

Jie Gao
16:50-17:05 口头报告

Phase-field simulation of the effect of grain boundary on fission gas migration in UO2 fuel

刘东昆 哈尔滨工程大学

Dongkun Liu
17:05-17:20 口头报告

He/dpa比例对Fe9Cr1.5W0.4Si F/M钢辐照和退火过程中气泡特性的影响

崔德旺 厦门大学

Dewang Cui
17:20-17:30 | 核能材料论坛-闭幕式 【论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials】
17:30-17:40 | 墙报 Poster 【论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
09-P01 17:30-17:31 墙报

Effects of Cold Work on High Temperature Electrochemical Performance of 321 Stainless Steel in High Temperature and High Pressure Water

李东兴 中国原子能科学研究院

Effects of Cold Work on High Temperature Electrochemical Performance of 321 Stainless Steel in High Temperature and High Pressure Water

Dongxing Li
09-P02 17:31-17:32 墙报

Direct formation of nano-scale dislocation loops during displacement cascade in BCC Fe studied by molecular dynamics simulation

曹晗 中国原子能科学研究院

Direct formation of nano-scale dislocation loops during displacement cascade in BCC Fe studied by molecular dynamics simulation

Han Cao
09-P03 17:32-17:33 墙报

Corrosion behavior of pure metals (Ni and Ti) and alloys (316H SS and GH3535) in liquid GaInSn

喻建辉 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所

Corrosion behavior of pure metals (Ni and Ti) and alloys (316H SS and GH3535) in liquid GaInSn

Jianhui Yu
09-P04 17:33-17:34 墙报

The compatibility of nitrided W18Cr4V steel in a sodium environment

付晓刚 中国原子能科学研究院

The compatibility of nitrided W18Cr4V steel in a sodium environment

Xiaogang Fu
09-P05 17:34-17:35 墙报

A novel computational framework for thermal conductivity and volumetric swelling of irradiated silicon carbide

郭达禧 中广核研究院有限公司

A novel computational framework for thermal conductivity and volumetric swelling of irradiated silicon carbide

Daxi guo
09-P06 17:35-17:36 墙报

The study on dislocation loop evolution in Ni superalloy irradiated by dual-beam ions: in-situ TEM observation and MD simulations

朱振博 上海应用物理研究所

The study on dislocation loop evolution in Ni superalloy irradiated by dual-beam ions: in-situ TEM observation and MD simulations

Zhenbo Zhu