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  • 全球杰出青年科学家大会报告 Global Conference of Outstanding Young Scientists Report
  • 开幕式/大会报告 The Opening Ceremony/ Plenary Lecture
  • 论坛一:锂离子电池电解质及隔膜材料 Forum 1:Electrolyte and Separator Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • 论坛二:锂离子电池电极材料 Forum 2:Lithium-ion Battery Electrode Materials
  • 论坛三:钠/钾离子电池论坛 Forum 3:Sodium/Potassium Ion Battery
  • 论坛四:新体系电池论坛 Forum 4:New Generation Batteries
  • 论坛五:燃料电池论坛 Forum 5:Fuel cell
  • 论坛六:热电材料论坛 Forum 6:Thermoelectric Materials
  • 论坛七:钙钛矿太阳能电池论坛 Forum 7:Perovskite Solar Cell
  • 论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells
  • 论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials
  • 论坛十:超薄二维能源材料论坛 Forum 10:Ultra-Thin Two-Dimensional Energy Materials
  • 论坛十一:电催化能源材料论坛 Forum 11:Electrocatalytic Energy Materials
  • 论坛十二:能源光催化材料论坛 Forum 12:Photocatalytic Materials for Energy
  • 论坛十三:碳基能源材料论坛 Forum 13:Carbon-based Energy Materials
  • 论坛十四:储氢材料论坛 Forum 14:Hydrogen Storage Materials
  • 论坛十五:弱能收集转化纳米能源论坛 Forum 15:Nanoenergy Energy Collection and Conversion
  • 论坛十六:新型相变储能材料 Forum 16:New Phase Change Energy Storage Materials
  • 论坛十七:水系电池论坛 Forum 17:Aqueous Batteries
  • 论坛十八:能源纳米材料论坛 Forum 18:Energy Nanomaterials
  • 论坛十九:汽车轻量化材料 Forum 19:Lightweight Material in Automobile
  • 论坛二十:含能材料能量存储与转化应用 Forum 20:Energy Storage and Conversion Applications for Energetic Materials
  • 论坛二十一:电池产业链资源高效循环利用论坛 Forum 21:Efficient Recycling of Resources in the Battery Industry
  • 论坛二十二:废弃物处理与能源资源利用论坛 Forum 22:Waste Treatment and Efficient Utilization of Energy Resources
  • 论坛二十三:青托学术论坛 Forum 23:Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Academic
  • 论坛二十四:材料交叉前沿论坛 Forum 24:Frontiers of Interdisciplinary Materials
  • 不限
  • 2023-11-26 [星期日]
  • 2023-11-27 [星期一]
  • 不限
  • 簕杜鹃厅 Le Azalea Hall
  • 茉莉厅 Jasmine Hall
  • 玫瑰厅-1 Rose 1 Hall
  • 玫瑰厅-3 Rose 3 Hall
  • 梅花厅-1 Plum blossom 1 Hall
  • 梅花厅-2 Plum blossom 2 Hall
  • 菊花厅 Chrysanthemum Hall
  • 牡丹厅 Peony Hall
  • 梅花厅-3 Plum blossom 3 Hall
  • 梅花厅-4 Plum blossom 4 Hall
  • 茶花厅-1 Camellia 1 Hall
  • 茶花厅-2 Camellia 2 Hall
  • 茶花厅-3 Camellia 3 Hall
  • 兰花厅-1 Orchid 1 Hall
  • 兰花厅-2 Orchid 2 Hall
  • 郁金香厅 Tulip Hall
  • 兰花厅-3 Orchid 3 Hall
  • 桂花厅 Osmanthus Hall
  • 606VIP 606VIP
  • 玫瑰厅-2
  • 609VIP 609VIP
  • 608VIP 608VIP
  • 水仙厅 Asphodel Hall

2023-11-27 星期一

牡丹厅 Peony Hall

08:30-10:20 | 论坛8-3 Forum 8-3 【论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
08:30-08:50 主旨报告

Carbazole-Based Non-Fullerene Acceptors and Cross-linkable Fullerenes for High Performance and Stable OPV Devices

许千树 国立交通大学

Carbazole-Based Non-Fullerene Acceptors and Cross-linkable Fullerenes for High Performance and Stable OPV Devices

Qianshu Xu
08:50-09:05 邀请报告

Molecular Design Strategies for Improving the Performance Stability of Organic and Perovskite Photovoltaic Devices

李忠安 华中科技大学

Molecular Design Strategies for Improving the Performance Stability of Organic and Perovskite Photovoltaic Devices

Zhongan Li Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
09:05-09:20 邀请报告


周印华 华中科技大学

Yinhua Zhou Huazhong University of Science and Technology
09:20-09:35 邀请报告


王金亮 北京理工大学


Jinliang Wang
09:35-09:50 邀请报告

Tuning the Microstructure of Polymer Blends for Highly Efficient, Stable, and Stretchable Solar Cells

叶龙 天津大学

Tuning the Microstructure of Polymer Blends for Highly Efficient, Stable, and Stretchable Solar Cells

Long Ye Tianjin University
09:50-10:05 邀请报告

Morphology Optimization of Active layer for High-Performance Organic Solar Cells

崔超华 苏州大学

Morphology Optimization of Active layer for High-Performance Organic Solar Cells

Chaohua Cui Soochow University
10:05-10:20 邀请报告

A machine learning-driven high-throughput platform to investigate the stability of organic solar cells

李宁 华南理工大学

A machine learning-driven high-throughput platform to investigate the stability of organic solar cells

Ning Li South China University of Technology, China
10:20-10:25 | 茶歇 【论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells】
10:25-12:00 | 论坛8-4 Forum 8-4 【论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
10:25-10:40 邀请报告

Polymerized Small-Molecule Acceptors (PSMAs) and beyond

张志国 Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China

Polymerized Small-Molecule Acceptors (PSMAs) and beyond

Zhiguo Zhang Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
10:40-10:55 邀请报告


闵杰 武汉大学


Jie Min
10:55-11:10 邀请报告

The design and synthesis of electroactive ionene polymer-based photovoltaic interlayer materials

刘瑶 北京化工大学

The design and synthesis of electroactive ionene polymer-based photovoltaic interlayer materials

Yao Liu
11:10-11:25 邀请报告

Understanding of the relationship between the ink rheological property and film morphology in the printed organic solar cells

骆群 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所

Understanding of the relationship between the ink rheological property and film morphology in the printed organic solar cells

Qun Luo
11:25-11:40 邀请报告

Multiple A-D-A structured Dimerized electron acceptor

阚斌 南开大学

Multiple A-D-A structured Dimerized electron acceptor

Bin Kan
11:40-11:55 邀请报告

Study on the stability of organic solar cells

宿文燕 西安科技大学

Study on the stability of organic solar cells

Wenyan Su
11:55-12:00 口头报告

Molecularly horizontal stacking benefits charge separation through delocalized charge transfer states at donor-acceptor interfaces

贾祥坤 郑州大学

Molecularly horizontal stacking benefits charge separation through delocalized charge transfer states at donor-acceptor interfaces

Xiangkun Jia
13:30-15:20 | 论坛8-5 Forum 8-5 【论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
13:30-13:50 主旨报告

Optical Design for Solution-Processed Transparent and Tandem Organic Solar Cells

叶轩立 香港城市大学

Optical Design for Solution-Processed Transparent and Tandem Organic Solar Cells

Hin-Lap Yip
13:50-14:05 邀请报告

Organic Photovoltaic Materials and Devices with Low Energy Disorder

林禹泽 中国科学院化学研究所

Organic Photovoltaic Materials and Devices with Low Energy Disorder

Yuze Lin
14:05-14:20 邀请报告


张凯 华南理工大学

Kai Zhang
14:20-14:35 邀请报告

Understanding the Losses in Fill Factor and Photovoltage of Organic Solar Cells

张渊 北京航空航天大学

Understanding the Losses in Fill Factor and Photovoltage of Organic Solar Cells

Yuan Zhang Beihang University, China
14:35-14:50 邀请报告

Voltage Losses in Organic Photovoltaic Devices

唐正 东华大学

Voltage Losses in Organic Photovoltaic Devices

Zheng Tang Donghua University, China
14:50-15:05 邀请报告

Molecular Stacking and Aggregation Optimization of Photoactive Layer in Organic Solar Cells

吴月 苏州大学

Molecular Stacking and Aggregation Optimization of Photoactive Layer in Organic Solar Cells

Yue Wu
15:05-15:20 邀请报告

Non-centrosymmetrical fused-ring electron acceptors

高威 华侨大学发光材料与信息显示研究院

Non-centrosymmetrical fused-ring electron acceptors

Wei Gao
15:20-15:25 | 茶歇 【论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells】
15:25-17:30 | 论坛8-6 Forum 8-6 【论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
15:25-15:40 邀请报告

Aggregate control of organic semiconductors for high performance photovoltaics

王涛 武汉理工大学

Aggregate control of organic semiconductors for high performance photovoltaics

Tao Wang
15:40-15:55 邀请报告

Structural Optimization of Small Molecule Acceptors and Polymer Acceptors and Their Applications in Organic Solar Cells

李骁骏 中国科学院化学研究所

Structural Optimization of Small Molecule Acceptors and Polymer Acceptors and Their Applications in Organic Solar Cells

Xiaojun Li
15:55-16:10 邀请报告

All-polymer solar cells

孙会靓 赣南师范大学

All-polymer solar cells

Huiliang Sun
16:10-16:25 邀请报告

Tetrathiopehene based Organic Photovoltaics

宋金生 河南大学

Tetrathiopehene based Organic Photovoltaics

Jinsheng Song
16:25-16:40 邀请报告


张光烨 深圳技术大学

Guangye Zhang
16:40-16:55 邀请报告

Regioregular Narrow Bandgap Polymer Acceptor for High Efficiency All-Polymer Solar cells

李宇翔 西安科技大学

Regioregular Narrow Bandgap Polymer Acceptor for High Efficiency All-Polymer Solar cells

Yuxiang Li
16:55-17:10 邀请报告


罗正辉 深圳大学

Zhenghui Luo
17:10-17:15 口头报告

Printing technologies toward flexible large-area organic photovoltaics

赵新彦 南方科技大学

Printing technologies toward flexible large-area organic photovoltaics

Xinyan Zhao
17:15-17:20 口头报告

The Promotion of Batch Stability for Polymer Donors by Chemical Method

郑冰 潍坊医学院

The Promotion of Batch Stability for Polymer Donors by Chemical Method

Bing Zheng
17:20-17:25 口头报告

Polymer Fiber Rigid Network with High Glass Transition Temperature Reinforces Stability of Organic Photovoltaics

严岑琪 四川大学

Polymer Fiber Rigid Network with High Glass Transition Temperature Reinforces Stability of Organic Photovoltaics

Cenqi Yan
17:25-17:30 口头报告

Material design and loss pathways in semitransparent organic solar cells

王嘉宇 四川大学

Material design and loss pathways in semitransparent organic solar cells

Jiayu Wang
17:15-17:30 | 墙报 Poster 【论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
08-P08 17:15-17:16 墙报

Manufacturing Processes of Low-melting-point Alloy as Top Electrodes for Organic Photovoltaics

于博洋 南方科技大学

Manufacturing Processes of Low-melting-point Alloy as Top Electrodes for Organic Photovoltaics

Boyang Yu
08-P06 17:16-17:17 墙报

Tuning the Solution Aggregation and Molecular Order for Efficient and Thermally Stable Polymer Solar Cells

高梦圆 天津大学

Tuning the Solution Aggregation and Molecular Order for Efficient and Thermally Stable Polymer Solar Cells

Mengyuan Gao
08-P07 17:17-17:18 墙报

Achieving Record-high Stretchability and Mechanical Stability in Organic Photovoltaic Blends with A Dilute-absorber Strategy

李赛萌 天津大学

Achieving Record-high Stretchability and Mechanical Stability in Organic Photovoltaic Blends with A Dilute-absorber Strategy

Saimeng Li
08-P03 17:18-17:19 墙报

A Polymer Acceptor with Grafted Small Molecule Acceptor Unit for Efficient All Polymer Organic Solar Cells

石雯娣 南开大学化学学院

A Polymer Acceptor with Grafted Small Molecule Acceptor Unit for Efficient All Polymer Organic Solar Cells

Wendi Shi
08-P04 17:19-17:20 墙报

Propeller vs Quasi-Planar 6-Cantilever Small Molecular Platforms with Extremely Two-Dimensional Conjugated Extension

许铮 南开大学

Propeller vs Quasi-Planar 6-Cantilever Small Molecular Platforms with Extremely Two-Dimensional Conjugated Extension

Zheng Xu
08-P01 17:20-17:21 墙报

A narrow-bandgap non-fullerene acceptor constructed with an S,N-heteroacene up to a dodecamer in size

郭佳欣 南开大学

A narrow-bandgap non-fullerene acceptor constructed with an S,N-heteroacene up to a dodecamer in size

Jiaxin Guo
08-P02 17:21-17:22 墙报

A Rare Case of Brominated Small Molecule Acceptors for High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells

梁华哲 南开大学

A Rare Case of Brominated Small Molecule Acceptors for High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells

Huazhe Liang
08-P05 17:22-17:23 墙报

Optical and Electrical Losses in Semitransparent Organic Photovoltaics

胡颖玥 四川大学高分子科学与工程学院

Optical and Electrical Losses in Semitransparent Organic Photovoltaics

Yingyue Hu
08-P09 17:23-17:24 墙报

Performance Optimization of Organic Solar Modules

傅伟飞 浙江大学杭州国际科创中心

Performance Optimization of Organic Solar Modules

Weifei Fu
08-P10 17:24-17:25 墙报

Compromising Charge Generation and Recombination of Organic Photovoltaics with Mixed Diluent Strategy for Certified 19. 4% Efficiency

陈天一 浙江大学

Compromising Charge Generation and Recombination of Organic Photovoltaics with Mixed Diluent Strategy for Certified 19. 4% Efficiency

Tianyi Chen
08-P11 17:25-17:26 墙报

平衡半透明有机光伏材料的光选择性吸收和光子-电子转换实现5.0 %的光利用效率

关诗陶 浙江大学

Shitao Guan
08-P12 17:26-17:27 墙报


郑祥均 浙江大学

Xiangjun Zheng
08-P13 17:27-17:28 墙报

D-A1-A2 型聚合物给体的聚集态调控以实现高效有机光伏

王珊露 浙江大学

Aggregation state tuning of D–A1–A2 type polymer donors for efficient organic photovoltaics

Shanlu Wang
08-P14 17:28-17:29 墙报


叶守暖 浙江大学

Shounuan Ye