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  • 全球杰出青年科学家大会报告 Global Conference of Outstanding Young Scientists Report
  • 开幕式/大会报告 The Opening Ceremony/ Plenary Lecture
  • 论坛一:锂离子电池电解质及隔膜材料 Forum 1:Electrolyte and Separator Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • 论坛二:锂离子电池电极材料 Forum 2:Lithium-ion Battery Electrode Materials
  • 论坛三:钠/钾离子电池论坛 Forum 3:Sodium/Potassium Ion Battery
  • 论坛四:新体系电池论坛 Forum 4:New Generation Batteries
  • 论坛五:燃料电池论坛 Forum 5:Fuel cell
  • 论坛六:热电材料论坛 Forum 6:Thermoelectric Materials
  • 论坛七:钙钛矿太阳能电池论坛 Forum 7:Perovskite Solar Cell
  • 论坛八:有机太阳能电池论坛 Forum 8:Organic solar cells
  • 论坛九:核能材料论坛 Forum 9:Advanced Nuclear Energy System Materials
  • 论坛十:超薄二维能源材料论坛 Forum 10:Ultra-Thin Two-Dimensional Energy Materials
  • 论坛十一:电催化能源材料论坛 Forum 11:Electrocatalytic Energy Materials
  • 论坛十二:能源光催化材料论坛 Forum 12:Photocatalytic Materials for Energy
  • 论坛十三:碳基能源材料论坛 Forum 13:Carbon-based Energy Materials
  • 论坛十四:储氢材料论坛 Forum 14:Hydrogen Storage Materials
  • 论坛十五:弱能收集转化纳米能源论坛 Forum 15:Nanoenergy Energy Collection and Conversion
  • 论坛十六:新型相变储能材料 Forum 16:New Phase Change Energy Storage Materials
  • 论坛十七:水系电池论坛 Forum 17:Aqueous Batteries
  • 论坛十八:能源纳米材料论坛 Forum 18:Energy Nanomaterials
  • 论坛十九:汽车轻量化材料 Forum 19:Lightweight Material in Automobile
  • 论坛二十:含能材料能量存储与转化应用 Forum 20:Energy Storage and Conversion Applications for Energetic Materials
  • 论坛二十一:电池产业链资源高效循环利用论坛 Forum 21:Efficient Recycling of Resources in the Battery Industry
  • 论坛二十二:废弃物处理与能源资源利用论坛 Forum 22:Waste Treatment and Efficient Utilization of Energy Resources
  • 论坛二十三:青托学术论坛 Forum 23:Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Academic
  • 论坛二十四:材料交叉前沿论坛 Forum 24:Frontiers of Interdisciplinary Materials
  • 不限
  • 2023-11-26 [星期日]
  • 2023-11-27 [星期一]
  • 不限
  • 簕杜鹃厅 Le Azalea Hall
  • 茉莉厅 Jasmine Hall
  • 玫瑰厅-1 Rose 1 Hall
  • 玫瑰厅-3 Rose 3 Hall
  • 梅花厅-1 Plum blossom 1 Hall
  • 梅花厅-2 Plum blossom 2 Hall
  • 菊花厅 Chrysanthemum Hall
  • 牡丹厅 Peony Hall
  • 梅花厅-3 Plum blossom 3 Hall
  • 梅花厅-4 Plum blossom 4 Hall
  • 茶花厅-1 Camellia 1 Hall
  • 茶花厅-2 Camellia 2 Hall
  • 茶花厅-3 Camellia 3 Hall
  • 兰花厅-1 Orchid 1 Hall
  • 兰花厅-2 Orchid 2 Hall
  • 郁金香厅 Tulip Hall
  • 兰花厅-3 Orchid 3 Hall
  • 桂花厅 Osmanthus Hall
  • 606VIP 606VIP
  • 玫瑰厅-2
  • 609VIP 609VIP
  • 608VIP 608VIP
  • 水仙厅 Asphodel Hall

2023-11-26 星期日

玫瑰厅-1 Rose 1 Hall

08:30-17:30 | 论坛3 Forum3 【论坛三:钠/钾离子电池论坛 Forum 3:Sodium/Potassium Ion Battery】
编号 时间 类型 题目 讲者 单位
08:30-09:00 主旨报告

Key Materials Towards Room temperature Sodium-Sulfur Battery

谢佳 华中科技大学

Key Materials Towards Room temperature Sodium-Sulfur Battery

Jia Xie
09:30-10:00 主旨报告


陈卫华 郑州大学


Weihua Chen
10:00-10:20 邀请报告

Regulating the local charge environment and stabilizing the anionic redox in sodium ion oxide cathode

张晓禹 江苏大学

Regulating the local charge environment and stabilizing the anionic redox in sodium ion oxide cathode

Xiaoyu Zhang
10:30-10:50 邀请报告

The oxygen reduction mechanism of layered oxide cathode materials

骆文彬 Northeastern University

The oxygen reduction mechanism of layered oxide cathode materials

WENBIN LUO Northeastern University
10:50-11:10 邀请报告

Materials Design for New Batteries Beyond Lithium Ion Batteries

刘家琴 合肥工业大学

Materials Design for New Batteries Beyond Lithium Ion Batteries

Jiaqin Liu
11:10-11:30 邀请报告

Transition metal substitution strategy of O3-type NaCrO2 cathode for high-energy sodium-ion batteries

张剑东 华中科技大学武汉光电国家研究中心

Transition metal substitution strategy of O3-type NaCrO2 cathode for high-energy sodium-ion batteries

Jiandong Zhang
14:00-14:30 主旨报告

Sieving carbons promises ideally structured anodes for high-energy sodium ion batteries

杨全红 天津大学

Sieving carbons promises ideally structured anodes for high-energy sodium ion batteries

Quanhong YANG Tianjin University
14:30-15:00 主旨报告

Graphite anode for potassium ion batteries

翟登云 清华大学深圳国际研究生院

Graphite anode for potassium ion batteries

Dengyun Zhai
15:00-15:20 邀请报告


刘继磊 湖南大学 材料科学与工程学院


Jilei Liu
15:30-15:50 邀请报告

Carbon Anode Materials for Sodium- and Potassium-Ion Batteries

陈亚鑫 中国矿业大学

Carbon Anode Materials for Sodium- and Potassium-Ion Batteries

Yaxin Chen
15:50-16:10 邀请报告


张桥保 厦门大学


Qiaobao Zhang
16:10-16:30 邀请报告

The impact of materials, binders and electrolytes on K-ion storage performance

麦文杰 暨南大学

The impact of materials, binders and electrolytes on K-ion storage performance

Wenjie Mai
16:30-16:50 邀请报告

Structure-oriented construction of low-dimensional carbon-based composite materials and sodium/potassium storage mechanism

熊胜林 山东大学

Structure-oriented construction of low-dimensional carbon-based composite materials and sodium/potassium storage mechanism

Shenglin Xiong
16:50-17:10 邀请报告

Development of High-Performance Potassium-Ion Batteries

朱禹洁 北京航空航天大学

Development of High-Performance Potassium-Ion Batteries

Yujie Zhu