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The Promotion of Emerging Energy Storage Materials for Next-Generation Batteries through Lithium Bond Chemistry

Qiang Zhang1,*

1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

As one of the most important applications of the element, Li batteries afford emerging opportunities for the exploration of Li bond chemistry. In this talk, the historical development and concept of the Li bond are reviewed, in addition to the application of Li bonds in Li batteries. In this way, a comprehensive understanding of the Li bond in Li batteries and an outlook on its future developments is presented. The Li bond was described in the context of Li batteries, including discussions of sulfur cathodes, liquid electrolytes, and Li metal anodes. Such discourse on the chemistry of the Li bond can provide fruitful insight into the fundamental interactions within Li batteries and thus deliver a deeper understanding of their working mechanism. Nevertheless, further investigations are necessary for a comprehensive understanding of Li bond chemistry, including its clear designation, geometrical and electronic structures, features that differ from other bonds involving Li, and their typical functions in Li batteries.


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